Free Download Kids travel journal: my trip to maldives

Free Download Kids travel journal: my trip to maldives
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Kids travel journal: my trip to maldives
Free Download Kids travel journal: my trip to maldives
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Product details
Diary: 76 pages
Publisher: (May 26, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1300858494
ISBN-13: 978-1300858492
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
2.8 out of 5 stars
36 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#8,242,231 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This book is a scaled down version of the Children's Travel Activity Book & Journal (Bumper Edition) - My Trip to Alaska. There are no puzzles in this book., however there are pages to list the names and addresses of people you'd like to mail post cards too and pages titled, "What I want to do before I go", "What I want to see and do on our trip" and "What I want to bring on my trip." It is also smaller in size...6" x 9" vs 8" x 9".It has a very simple for recording the date, weather, "what we did today", "Some food I ate", and "What I liked Best" along with an area to draw a picture of something that you did that day. There are 14 of these sets of pages, enough for a two-week trip. At the end, there is a lined page titled "Things I will remember from our trip."Very simple layout but enough for a younger child...not overwhelming to have to do.Not sure it is worth the price.
Other than the cover that says "Thailand", there was nothing that made this journal specific to that vacation destination. Every page contained the same few items for kids to report on, and it looked worse than if the pages had been printed from a Word document and assembled into a book. We didn't use this item at all; instead, we used the Kids Travel Guide to Thailand- much more worth the money. I had hoped to return the item, but unfortunately it's past the time that it can be returned. I would NOT recommend this journal to anyone.
This is a total rip-off. Except for the little cloud on the front cover, there is nothing in this mentioning Disneyland. It's a thin notebook of cheap paper, with black and white pages for making lists and drawing pictures. The only color is on the covers. I'm certain that this is sold as a journal for every place people travel, with the word Disneyland on the cloud changed. It is nothing like its description. I'm returning it. I spent a little more and got what I wanted. This sure wasn't it.
I was even more pleased with this once I saw it. Small enough to tuck in a carryon entertainment bag. Has pages at the beginning to write what the child hopes to see when they get there. Separate page for each day to record what they did with space for their own illustration or to glue in a post card. My just-finished-1st-grade grandson is traveling to Alaska this summer and this will provide a perfect place to do a little writing, a little drawing, include postcards or photos, and have a mini scrapbook of his trip when he is done. Love it!
I was excited to purchase a fun travel journal for my daughter to use on our upcoming trip to Cancun. Unfortunately, the journal is very generic and not Cancun related at all. In fact, the only place that says "Cancun" is the cover. The journal pages are plain and generic with "what I did today" and "draw something you saw today" for 14 days. It is a waste of money. I'm disappointed it was not more fun and Cancun specific.
71 pages long. The front of the book is lined and guides some list making, the back is blank if you wish to continue journaling. Each day of your trip (up to day 14) offers your child a chance to write about the day and the next page page allows space for drawing. Interesting idea, but I was hoping for a bit more. Honestly, I could create this myself in about 30 minutes with a notebook and a just a few writing prompts.
I wish they would have show an example of a page, in order to gauge the age group this was geared toward. This is much too young for my 9 y.o. daughter. Will return and order a different one. For younger kids this seems to be good. Not too overwhelming - lots of drawing space. Simple design. Geared more towards 5 yo’s in my opinion.
My Mother wanted. a travel journal, for my 7 yr old niece who was going to Germany. The return trip was through NYC, where they would stay a few days. This is the cutest little journal and is great for allowing the child's personal thoughts.
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