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Product details
File Size: 862 KB
Print Length: 86 pages
Publication Date: April 13, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#443,697 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This was 4 dollars. This is so short it should be a free brochure. and over half the book is commands. if i wanted commands would have asked. This book is a complete waste of time. if you want a server, i would'nt buy a four dollar brochure with spelling errors and other stuff.
I thought this would tell you how to MAINTAIN a server. All it tells you where to get the software (every experienced player knows where to get the software) for the server. then it starts talking about singleplayer commands. If you are wondering why this book is 86 pages, its because they wrote in a HUGE font size. it was so big, there were only 4 words on 1 page. this should not be called how to run and maintain a server. it should be called "Minecraft - Singleplayer Commands 1.8" This book shoulx also be free. dont pay for this. if the author used the default font size, this book would of been 20-30 pages long. Piece of crap! :(
i'm sorry, but this book jud sucks! It talka about downloading all the software and stuffs. That was the only thing that i didnt have trouble with. =/ AND THE FONT SIZE IS HUGE!!!!!!!! THERE WERE 2 WORDS ON EVERY PAGE !!!! Not worth buying, honestly.
some server info(Good server info) but random commands cluttering up the end of it. if your a beginner than buy this book but if your experienced than maybe no
this book is horrible the font size is huge and it doesn't have anything about maintaining a server and the font size is HUGE. do not waste your money it has a couple of commands but you could get them or better somewhere else. I have kindle unlimited so I could return it but it still sucks. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!
Too complicated for Jacob age 12. Maybe in a couple years will be more for his age group and he can read it again
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