Download Field Guide to Pattern Glass, by Mollie Helen McCain

Download Field Guide to Pattern Glass, by Mollie Helen McCain
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Field Guide to Pattern Glass, by Mollie Helen McCain
Download Field Guide to Pattern Glass, by Mollie Helen McCain
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Product details
Paperback: 496 pages
Publisher: Collector Books; First Edition edition (May 1, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1574321765
ISBN-13: 978-1574321760
Product Dimensions:
5.8 x 1.2 x 8.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
36 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#870,560 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is probably as easy-to-use as such an EAPG guide can be, given the vastness of the subject. The line drawings are clear and give a better sense of pattern than most photographs. I liked the way it was organized into pattern categories (Diamonds, Facets, Ribs and Columns, etc.), but found the amount of information about specific patterns varied widely. In my first attempt at using the Index, I discovered a mistake in the page number for "Jasper" (p. 156, not p. 158), but have generally been glad I added this paperback to my library.
No color pictures looks like someone just Hand drew these patterns total waste. It doesn’t tell you the value or collectible status either
I'm extremely disappointed with this book. I had gotten a later version of the same book from the library and thought that at least the pictures would be the same but they're not. They are very poorly drawn in comparison to the later version. Unfortunately the later version wasn't available on Amazon so I settled for this one. I'm afraid it was a waste of money.
There are better books for the money. Hand drawn examples do not come anywhere near close to actual pictures. The layout is logical, as in -- diamonds, circles, etc., but the actual information provided was not very helpful. This book will be one of the first to go as my library expands.
don't use any more
I had about 20 boxes of pressed and cut glass stored in our attic forever.Finally, I decided to sell it off to make space for other things. But I needed to identify all of those patterns.This book was recommended by some friends who were experts in EAPG (Early American Pattern Glass) and I ordered it.First, I must say that it is probably the most complete book of patterns available anywhere. I can't think of another book that has virtually every EAPG pattern ever made.However, it can be a challenge to get used to, because the indexing isn't as complete as it should be (the reason I didn't give it five stars). All of the possible combinations are not listed, which would make the index extremely long - but it would've made it much more useful. For instance, you could immediately find your piece by looking up "circle and fruit." But "circle and garland" or "fruit and garland" may not be there, even though the patterns are shown in the book.Also the drawings, while extremely accurate, are small so that you may pass right by a complex pattern that you're looking for. Simpler patterns, on the other hand, will pop right out.I think on the whole, though, this is THE book for anyone who has a pile of EAPG that they need to identify.After spending some time with it you'll figure out how it works, and you'll be referring to it often.
I bought the book because I am doing research on the pressed glass. The book was interesting and informative. It was a good choice although sometimes the way it is organized is a challenge.
This is a very informative book. It has everything that I am looking for.
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