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Product details
File Size: 4149 KB
Print Length: 329 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1 edition (June 25, 2010)
Publication Date: November 6, 2012
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B00A376BB2
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#342,096 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I love this book. The chapters were broken up by anti-pattern and the format of each chapter was perfect; state the problem, state the anti-pattern solution, explain why it is not a valid solution, show how to identify when it's being used and finally present more valid alternative solutions (and explain why they're more valid).I work on a team that creates new new products for a software company. Because of its innovative nature, the team leads will often explore new development methods with much vigor and little research. And even when research is performed, there is rarely much consideration toward the database.I am kind of the "database guy" when it comes to the projects, and pick up most of those tasks. This book has given me good insight as to when an anti-pattern is being proposed and why we should consider an alternative. The appendix also has a very clean and concise layout of the rules for normalization. This comes in handy when a specific reference for your argument is required.If your development team doesn't have a "database guy" (or if you're it), I highly recommend reading this book.
Great book! I started as a database developer and then became a web developer years later. While there is a lot of basic information in this book, there are also a few clever tricks I did not know. Regardless, it is information that EVERY developer needs to know to develop the fastest, most flexible applications with minimal redundancy.It is also a fascinating read that did not take very long to digest. I read this cover-to-cover in a couple of weeks on a 25 minute train commute to work every day.Highly, highly recommended regardless of skill level with databases. It is packed with great tricks and easy to digest knowledge. If you already "knew it" like myself, you will come away knowing it better.
I found many of the anti patterns discussed to be extremely useful. I thoroughly marked up that chapter on software best practices. This book will help you assess consequences of many workarounds that may seem innocent at first.The main ideas that pervade all the chapters werelet the database do its work;don't implement its main features in software, and consequently leverage foreign keys.My only drawback is that the book wanders off sql ground a bit too easily in the final chapters.i found the discussion of Active Record to be need more justification and depth. Otherwise, it would have been better to leave it out of this book. Similarly with the PHP examples.
First half quite useful; I'm glad I read it, though it turns out I had avoided most of the antipatterns through simple common sense. A good comment about the limitations of prebuilt frameworks.The second half of the book was mostly padding; can't remember much about it, I ended up skimming, but it was more about PHP than SQL. A re-iteration of OWASP, the terrors of SQL injection, and so on. In my mind these do not have much to do with SQL per se.
I'm only page 80, but so far I love it. There are things us data guys know are sub-optimal or just plain wrong. Bill Karwin explains it so well in terms that the object guys I work with might be able to get it. A violation of first-normal form is "jay-walking" because you're avoiding the intersection (table.) I cringe when I see a self-referencing relationship. It looks so simple and elegant on paper, but it's usually the first step on a journey to a bad outcome. Bill Karwin calls this a "naive tree" and presents several alternatives. I wish I'd had the next three chapters about ten years ago when we created a persistence framework at work that used surrogate keys everywhere in a concrete to the bottom implementation of object graphs with relational intergrity turned off. If you're not a data guy or an object guy, you have no idea what that last sentence was about. If you are a data or object guy, buy the book and read it.
The only thing that prevented me from reading the book through faster was the structure - it tends to be heavy on emphasizing the anti-pattern before going deeper into the good practices and ultimately the solution. For someone with some experience with databases there is simply too much convincing why some approach won't work.That said there is valuable advice in there, I already suggested we use closure tables (one of the solutions to the chapter about tree structures in databases) in my current project to tackle too much container/content type relations.I can recommend the "SQL Antipatterns" to anyone who wishes to extend his bag of tricks when dealing with relational databases, I largely enjoyed it!
Once you've mastered, or at least think you have, the basics of relational databases, this is a good book to pick up. Karwin goes over the most common pitfalls of SQL database design and programming. As one that frequently has to work with someone else's database design I see these pitfalls over and over again. Some are obvious to any DB programmer worth his salt, some others, not so obvious and still others the subject of religious wars. I didn't agree with all of Karwin's suggestions or even what he identified as antipatterns, but that's fine. I've been using SQL since the 80's and I still learned something from this book. In our office, most of the programmers have to know enough SQL to make simple queries or at least to be able to decipher what some code is doing. This book will help eliminate the part that normally follows "to know enough", that is the "to be dangerous" part.
I liked it very much.The tips are very useful.Especially for developers who came to databases through modern web-frameworks (though not all tips are easy to be implied in that case).Every chapter shows wrong way, then several alternatives (from the worse to the best).
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